NOW Foods Psyllium Husk
Whole Psyllium Seed Husks by NOW Foods is a healthy food. Each 16 ounce bag contains about 45 servings. Each serving size is 2 level tablespoons which delivers 6 grams of soluble fiber. Daily intake of soluble fiber along with a sensible diet plan may reduce risk for heart disease. NOW Foods Psyllium Seed Husks are a heart healthy food. Simply mix into water or your favorite juice daily.
Psyllium Husk Benefits
Pysllium Seed Husks deliver soluble dietary fiber which offers many health benefits. Soluble fiber promotes regular bowel movements and can be used to help alleviate constipation. Daily use of NOW Foods Psyllium Husks can help lower cholesterol levels and decrease risk for heart disease. It may also help you lose weight, help balance blood sugar levels, and protect against developing diabetes.
Psyllium Husk - How Does it Work?
The soluble fiber in Psyllium Husks turns into gel when mixed with water or other fluid. This slows your digestion down which in turn keeps blood sugar spikes down. In effect, soluble fiber helps keep your blood sugar balanced. Soluble fiber also helps protect the heart by attaching to cholesterol particles and removing them from the body, lowering cholesterol levels and the risk for developing heart disease. Weight loss benefits may also be experienced with the daily use of Pysllium Husk soluble fiber because it helps you feel full and keeps that blood sugar in check. It assists in keeping your bowels regular by soaking up water as it travels through your digestive and elimination systems. This action helps bulk up your stool and gets things moving.
Fiber and Weight Loss
If you are already eating a sensible diet and getting moderate exercise, the soluble fiber in Psyllium Husks may help you lose more weight. Try drinking a 12 ounce glass of NOW Foods Psyllium Husks mixed with water or your favorite beverage about an hour before eating a meal. The soluble fiber will bulk up and help you feel full so you don’t eat as much. It also gets your bowels moving so your body doesn’t hold on to waste material.
Taking a Fiber Supplement
Most people wonder if they begin taking a fiber supplement… will they be rushing to the bathroom? The soluble fiber in Psyllium Husks does not have a laxative effect, so you probably won’t experience a sudden need. However, like any type of dietary supplement you’re unsure about, try a smaller than recommended serving size for a few days to discover how your body reacts. The recommended serving size for NOW Foods Psyllium Husks is 1 to 2 level tablespoons daily. You might start off with a half tablespoon. Be sure to mix with at least 12 full ounces of fluid and drink plenty of additional fluids throughout the day so the fiber is able to function properly and deliver its health-boosting benefits.