CAUSES OF STOMACH ULCER & PEPTIC ULCER SYMPTOMS September 20, 2023About stomach ulcers Stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are open sores that develop on the lining of the stomach. Ulcers can also occur in part of the intestine just beyond the stomach....
HOW TO PREVENT PREGNANCY January 26, 2023People who are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy should be aware of their options when it comes to birth control. There are many types of contraception available to...
HEALTH BENEFITS OF DATES January 25, 2023Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates grow in large clusters which hang from the top of...
THE MISCONCEPTION ABOUT GENITAL WARTS & HOW TO TREAT IT October 11, 2022What are Genital warts? Genital warts, also called condylomata acuminata, are warts that appear as small bumps on or near the genitals or anus. Genital warts are a common sexually...
WHAT MEDICINE YOU CAN TAKE WHILE PREGNANT FOR COLD? February 6, 2022Catching a cold during pregnancy will not harm the fetus, but it can be uncomfortable for the person who is pregnant, and they may also worry about which treatments and...
MEDICINE FOR PIMPLES AND DARK SPOTS February 5, 2022Trying to find the right medicine for pimples and dark spots in Ghana is not a easy feat. Especially because there are so many skincare products, determining the right one...